
A co-founder of the ‘Bulletin’, a talented and tireless sub-editor, a supporter of Australian writers (championing Henry Lawson, Banjo Patterson and Louis Becke), a self-confessed francophile (changing his birth name …

‘What if ?’

As the month of May concluded, contact tracers were actively tracking down potential COVID contacts and exposure sites around the city of Melbourne while case numbers grew. Curiously, this ‘hunting’ …


‘A Tale of Two Cities’ (1859) by Charles Dickens begins: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was …

World Health Day

Today, April 7, is World Health Day. Since 1950, the World Health Organization has celebrated this day annually and takes the opportunity to focus attention on important aspects of health. …

‘Barbie Girl’

The theme of International Women’s Day this year ‘Choose to Challenge’ is about empowerment and options. This reminded me of the way Mattel co-founder, Ruth Handler, imagined the potential of …