Nita Jawary reflects on ‘Paper Boy’ by Florence Fuller. Nita writes:
Nita also recommends reading the essay by Michael Varcoe-Cocks (Conservation Department, NGV) published on the NGV website in April 2020:
Thank you, Nita, for a beautifully evocative piece on a recent NGV acquisition.
Dear Nita – Love your thoughtful and imaginative poem inspired by Florence Fuller’s Paper Boy!
This is such a sad poignant poem about this poor grieving parentless paperboy ‘who once shone like a round, bright moon’ in his mothers’ hands. You write with such compassion and imagination Nita!
Please keep sending your wonderful poems! Thank you!
Fiona xx
Dear Nita,
It is such a sad poem of Florence Fuller’s Paper Boy, of a boy once held with the love and a life of promise.
You write with such tenderness, depth of compassion with a visual language that takes one into the life of this sad boy.
Yes, please continue to write your wonderful poems of our collection!
Thank you.
Dodi xx