At the Neues Museum

The post on Nefertiti reminded Barrie Sheppard of his visit to Berlin. Barrie writes:

‘While in Berlin in 2011, I sought out the Nefertiti in The Neues Museum. Apart from her beauty, what struck me was how she was displayed. She stood, spotlighted, in a tall glass case extending above her, she, the only exhibit in the darkened room. From there through a long enfilade to another similar room could be seen a huge marble sculpture of the sun god Helios, emblazoned white by natural sunlight coming from a skylight above. From there, back along the enfilade, his image was reflected above the Nefertiti in the glass case enclosing her. It prompted me to write this’:

Thank you Barrie for sharing your lovely reflections.

3 thoughts on “At the Neues Museum

  1. Barbara Ebes

    Thanks Barrie. I have not seen her “in person” but the photo is beautiful, as is your eloquent prose!

  2. Sidra

    A few days ago I heard somewhere about the Nefertiti at the Neues and its beautiful setting. How wonderful today to come across your contemplative and evocative written response Barrie. Synchronicity and perhaps an omen that I will be able to see her in the not too distant future.

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