Dan (Hercules) Andrews

The current COVID-19 situation is a chastening experience. I was thinking about how mythological heroes, in particular Hercules, coped with adversity. It was then that I found this cartoon from 1806 which reminded me of the travails of our Premier.  

The Modern Hercules On His Labours (1806) UNKNOWN, NGV Collection

With some tweaking and new text, the updated cartoon reads: Now the Economy is Dead!!! But I have had a Devil of a Job in Cleansing the Coronavirus & I suppose I shall have a worse One before I can Conquer the Aged Care Situation! As for the Hotel Quarantine I’ll take pretty good care of that. The Interstate Naysayers! The Curfew Breakers! The Mask Refusers! &c &c &c!!! Oh! D__n’me! that’s all nothing!

Apologies for any offence caused in the spirit of political commentary …

4 thoughts on “Dan (Hercules) Andrews

  1. Kerry Biddington

    Hi Michael, You should forward this to Dan’s Office. It may help lighten his mood – without changing the task ahead!

  2. Monica H

    Love it. Thanks for this Michael, and agree with Kerry – maybe Dan might get a kick out of it…..

  3. Linda Wilkins

    Love it Michael! You’re up there along with SammyJ as far as I’m concerned!!

  4. Barbara Ebes

    Great work, Michael!! You must be having fun coming up with entertaining spots for the Guiding cohort. Thanks heaps!

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