Looking after ourselves

There are a number of ways we can look after ourselves in this difficult period. Julie Stone has shared a link from The School of Life – ‘The Stay at Home Care Kit’. The School of LIfe was founded by ‘celebrity philosopher’ Alain de Botton in 2008 in London and has operated a Melbourne branch (currently in St Kilda) since 2014. You may remember that de Botton co-authored the book ‘Art as Therapy’ and came to the NGV to create a self-guided art tour of the collection. The aim of the School of Life is: ‘ to generate discussions surrounding life’s biggest concerns, while boosting emotional intelligence along the way’. There are very good resources on its website which include discussions and links to videos: https://www.theschooloflife.com/melbourne/. ‘The Stay at Home Care Kit’ offers links to books, audios and videos, and other aids we can use to manage life in the current uncertain climate: https://mailchi.mp/theschooloflife/the-stay-at-home-care-kit516963?e=7497f0ab4e.