Becoming an artist

Following on from the previous post about the helpfulness of being an artist, there are a number of ‘how to do it’ art tutorials on youtube: However, as this …


Thank you to our president, Brian Martin, who commissioned his ‘Poet Laureate’, (Sir) Barrie Sheppard, to write a poem to capture the loss of what we are all feeling at …

The crisis

Thank you to Sheila Butler for sending me her thoughts on a painting at the NGV: In our current predicament my mind has turned to works in the NGV collection …

The safety of being an artist

Those at the highest risk of contracting the coronavirus infection, as one might expect, are health care workers, including registered nurses, paramedics and doctors. So if you wanted to avoid …

Narrative Prophylaxis

In the NGV collection online you can find an engraving attributed to Heironymous Cock (date not recorded) that was purchased by the Felton Bequest in 1923. It is a picture …

Looking after ourselves

There are a number of ways we can look after ourselves in this difficult period. Julie Stone has shared a link from The School of Life – ‘The Stay at …

Hello guides!

Welcome to a blog about art that will keep us informed, involved and connected in this challenging time. It is now uncertain when we will gather again as a group. …